Wednesday, September 16, 2009

sad times... yet were so HAPPY

So today we offically had to say good- bye to the woods cross home :(, things definately are not working out how we had planned, but i know that everything happens for a reason. Wwe will stay at my parents until we figure out what to do next. So even though it made me sad to say bye to the house, I realize that I have every reason to be HAPPY- I have McCoy. He is my light, every time I look at him I feel overcome with happiness! I love him and his daddy so much!~ with them I have EVERYTHING!

McCoy had his 4 month check up this week and he is so big!!! 16.3 lbs, and 26 1/2 inches long!!!!! What happend to my tiny new born?????? He rolled over for the first time a couple weeks ago- and is such a mover! I LOVE LOVE LOVE him!

Here are some randon pics.... some going all the way back to july at San Diego, Bear Lake in August, and some recents snaps :)


paigernate said...

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he is HUGE! hr has changed so much since we left!! he looks so much like dad!

kollers said...

He is so stinkin cute! I love those chubby cheeks! I bet your family is excited for your move. Let us know if we can help!

Trent and Lindsie said...

Love those pictures!! So cute!!