So today I experienced the most amazing thing i think i have ever experienced in my life, we saw our baby for the very first time!!! I hasn't seemed real to me yet, but actually seeing a little human moving around, and a beating heart hit me so hard. It is now so real to me, I already love this baby more than any words can explain, it is such an overwhelming feeling, I can't imagine what it will be like to actually hold this baby in my arms. I never knew how it would feel experiencing this for myself, i have always thought ultrasounds pictures were so awesome, but being my baby it is totally different.... I have looked at the pictures so much today. Babies are such amazing miracles I can't believe what our bodies are capable of doing! I have been (and still am) very emotional today, I am just so grateful for this amazing blessing in my life. I can't think of a better dad for my children than Shawn, he is so beyond great... I truly am so lucky to have him in my life. To paiges dissapointment there infact was only one baby, she was pretty sad that her guess of twins was indeed wrong (luckily)!